Friday, July 20, 2007

Which One Are You?

Try this to identify yourself as a right or left brain person.

1. Hold your hands together, as if you were praying. Look at your hands. If you see

Left thumb is below the right thumb ---> left brain
Right thumb is below the left thumb ---> right brain

2. Fold your arms in front of you (as if you are angry)

Right arm above left arm ---> left brain
Left arm above right arm ---> right brain

Based on 1+2 (order important), below is the interpretation of your personality:

Considerate, traditional, indirect type can instantly read other's emotion, and respond friendly by natures.

Although not very into taking initiatives in moving forward, but this person will always take a step back in supporting others. Stable personality and considerate, give others a being protected feeling. But the weakness is they cannot say no; regardless how unwilling they are, they will take care of others.

Loves challenges type.

Straight foward. Once they decided on one thing, will take action right away.
Very curious, and love challenges. Dare to face dangers without thinking through(sometimes foolishly).

Their weakness is they don't listen to others, will filter in only what whey want to hear in a conversation, and very subjective.

However, because of their straightforward attitude, they tend to be fairly popular.

Dedicated, cold, perfectionist.

Very logical in all aspects. The only way to defeat (or win over) him/her is through reasons. Has a lot of prides, and feeling strongly about doing the right thing. If they are your friends, they are very trustworthy.

However, if they are your opponents, they will be very tough to deal with. Because they can be very "anal" as a perfectionist, they usually leave a bad impression of being hard to deal with when first met.

Likes to take care of others, leader type.

Has a cool and keen observation ability to see through situations, yet still can be considerate in others needs. Because of their cool and calm nature, and strong sense of responsibility, they tend to become head of a group. Popular among people.

However, they may not be able to help themselves in meddling because they want to take care of others too much. Very concerned about how others view them, and always on alert.

Dapet artikel di atas dari Limmy.

Setelah gw ikutin petunjuknya, ternyata gw bertipe Right-Right.

Bener banget tuh. Soalnya gw emang yg demen tantangan, selalu to the point, sekali memutuskan sesuatu pasti langsung bertindak. Kadang gak pake pikir panjang, makanya suka salah langkah. Hihihihi.

Gitu juga dalam hal menangkap pembicaraan atau membaca sesuatu, gw seringnya mendengar hanya yg perlu gw dengar dan ingin tahu. Sisanya sering gw skip, soalnya gw merasa akan "menuh2in isi otak" gw. Huehehehe.

Intinya sih gw hanya memfilter sesuatu yg penting. Yang gw anggep terlalu detail dan gak penting, gak akan gw bebanin ke otak. Soalnya gw sadar kale ya otak gw kecil pisan. Mwaakakakakakak. Contohnya, gw gak pernah inget2 harga barang, sering lupa b'day orang lain, kagak pernah apal nama temen yg uda lama gak ketemu. Hihihihi...

Tapi coba suruh gw inget2 gimana pertama kali gw bisa bertahan di tanjakan waktu nyetir mobil, atau gw bisa tau kira2 nilai ulangan gw bahkan sebelum dibagiin karena gw masih menghapal jawabannya bahkan sampai ke titik koma, atau isi pembicaraan teknis selama meeting (pembicaraan commercial mah gak bakal gw inget). Kekekekek.

Gw juga orangnya suka ambil resiko. Dikirim training ke ujung dunia, tugas di kantor sambil nginep2, nyetir ngebut di tol, gonta-ganti cowok dari berbagai multi etnis waktu masa pacaran dulu... itu mah gw banget. Mwahahaha.

Dan menurut artikel di atas, katanya gw popular? Well, klo pun gak, at least gw "menganggap" diri gw popular. Maklum, gw kan narcis. Mwahahahahahaha...

Okeh... karena kemaren2 gw yg selalu kena tag, sekarang gw mo tag topik ini ke... MamaDhika (jangan protes ya walopun ini artikel dapetnya dari imel lu, hihihihi), Nattever, SakuraLady, Anungisme, LittlePiku, Ceemot, Ciapuccino, PempekPalembang, Renzia...

Mwahahahahaha.... *ketawa setan karena seneng uda kasih kerjaan ke orang2*


Anonymous said...

kalo yg pertama, jempolnya sama panjang nya gimana (ga lebih pendek ga lebih panjang) nah loh.. ga ada jawabannya donks.. ;;)

kok ginian tag sih sus? hehehe..

Me said...

ini tag nya, musti tulis di blog apa di comment sini Sus ? :)

.:acen147:. said...

@willy: maksud yg pertama itu kaya' posisi lu berdoa, dg jari2 kedua tangan saling ditekuk & "memeluk", wil. nah lu liat deh posisi jempol kiri lu ada di atas jempol kanan or sebaliknya.

emang tag itu yg gimana, wil? hihi

.:acen147:. said...

@cimot: tulis di bloogggg... iiihhhh..... ayooo kerjain PR masing2... (klo banyak nanya nti dikasih PR lagi)

Me said...

@sakuralady : bukan jempolnya panjang yang mana kali will, tapi jempolnya yang mana yang di luar / atas jempol yang lainnya..

Me said...

wokehhhh... Bu Susi :D

Anonymous said...

sus, iya maap sebelumna ga kepikiran berdoa ala salam orang india gitu.. maap.. iya, berdoa christian keliatan mana lebih tinggi dan lebih rendah.. :D

.:acen147:. said...

hahaha, tenang aja, wil.. soale gw pertamanya juga salah ngerti ;)

Anonymous said...

wadoww.... T_T
diketekin eh.. ketegin mulu :))

Piku said...

omaigaatt gue baru baca --" sus gue jwb disini aja ya.. mwakakaka..abis da basi , maluw sayah :"> saya right-left :D